Surface enhancement

Are you spending too much time trying to remove stubborn stains from surfaces?

If your cleaning takes longer than it should, stubborn stains keep slowing your cleaning team down, which could impact how people feel about your building and their ability to focus.

Cleaner spraying protective coatings on the school table

How can surface enhancement make it easier for you to clean?

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Saves you time and money

Surface enhancement eliminates the need for frequent, labour-intensive cleaning. By creating a protective barrier, surfaces stay cleaner for longer, reducing the frequency of cleaning sessions and ultimately saving you valuable time and resources.

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Surfaces are easier to clean

Enhanced surfaces repel dirt, grime, and stains, making routine cleaning a breeze. This means less effort is required to maintain a pristine look, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

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Leaves a smooth touch to surfaces

Treated surfaces feel smoother to the touch, adding an extra layer of comfort and luxury to your environment.

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Liquid easily wipes off the surface

Spills and accidents happen, but with our surface enhancement, liquids bead up and wipe away effortlessly. This prevents stains and potential damage to your surfaces, extending their lifespan.

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Improved productivity

With surfaces that are easier to clean and maintain, your productivity soars, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

Make a real impact on your building users

Introducing surface enhancement will help improve the visual appeal of your building while also saving your cleaners time. The result means your building users will be in an environment where they are happy, they can focus and thrive.

Find out how Nviro can help

Creating clean, hygienic and safe environments for building users to thrive in

Transform your cleaning experience today by choosing a professional service provider of clean, hygienic and safe environments. Contact us now to get started.

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