FAQs on Cobotics

1) What is a cobot?
A cobot, (short for collaborative robot), is a type of robot that works alongside and in collaboration with people in a shared workspace. They are used in cleaning to help cleaners work efficiently and be more productive by focusing on other tasks.

2) What are the benefits of using a cobot?
Using a cobot within your cleaning team can provide multiple benefits such as:

– Increased cleaning efficiency: they handle repetitive and routine cleaning tasks, freeing up cleaners to focus on other tasks.

– Time savings: cobots can operate autonomously, reducing the time required for certain cleaning tasks such as vacuuming, scrubbing and drying.

– Cost-effectiveness: while there is an initial investment in implementing a cobot, the long-term cost-effectiveness often comes from increased productivity, reduced labour costs, and the ability to reallocate cleaners to more value-added tasks.

Read our blog to learn more about how cobotics can give cleaning teams a boost.

3) Which cobot is best suited to my needs?
In 2023, Nviro tested three types of cobots including the Phantas, Puda CC1 and Ecobot 50.

Choosing the right cobot depends on factors such as:

– The size of your space
– Your primary floor type
– The frequency of cobot usage

Read our checklist to find out which cobot is right for you.

4) How effective are cobots in removing stains?
The effectiveness of cobots removing stains can vary based on several factors, including the type of stain, (e.g. grease or an embedded stain which has been there a while) might require a thorough clean to remove it. Also, compared to a vacuum, cobots are thought to have less power when it comes to suction and can miss stains on floors.

Typically, cobots perform best on low-pile carpets or hard flooring. Regularly, cleaning or replacing the filters can also help to maintain performance.

5) Do cobots pick up smaller pieces of debris?
Cobots can hover over smaller dirt particles without picking them up. Common causes for this include sensors not being sensitive enough, inaccurate mapping, insufficient cleaning time or the wrong type of flooring used for the cobot.

It’s important to choose a cobot that is best suited to your floor type. Regularly checking the sensors can also help make sure they accurately detect and pick up dirt particles.

6) How close can cobots get to the edge of the wall?
The ability of cobots to get close to the edge of a wall depends on the specific design, sensors and programming of the robot. Different models have varying capabilities and features that affect how close a cobot can get to a wall. A cobot that isn’t best suited to your environment can result in it leaving too much space from the edges when vacuuming, meaning that your cleaning team will need to go over the areas missed.

To minimise the risk, check that your cleaning spaces are suitable. There are cobots for different room types, sizes, and surfaces which our team will be happy to discuss and help you decide whether a cobot is right for your building.

7) Can cobots detect obstacles, including open doors?
Different types of cobots are equipped with various sensors to identify obstacles and navigate their environment safely. The effectiveness of a cobot detecting obstacles depends on the type and placement of sensors. Therefore, open doors can disrupt a cobot’s mapped cleaning route.

We recommend keeping doors closed to help maintain the consistency of the space, allowing the cobot to follow its planned route.

8) Do floor cables impact a cobot’s cleaning routine?
During a cobot’s cleaning routine, they can inadvertently bump into and go over cables, which could cause an incident. Cobots can potentially get stuck, which might also risk a trip hazard.

To keep building users safe and minimise disruptions, it’s important to implement proper cable management solutions, which will help the cobot to avoid any incidents and complete its cleaning tasks.

Can we help you?

If you would like to find out more about whether cobotics is the right cleaning solution for your environment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert, Antony Duggan at aduggan@nviro.co.uk

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